The Love Handle


AĀ blog exploring howĀ weĀ heal our relationship with food & body.
The Hidden Truth About Dieting: Why Weight Loss Isnā€™t Always the Answer body image diet culture dieting metabolism and weight gain non-diet approach weight loss Sep 06, 2024

She was furious, but deep down, she was heartbroken. For the first time in over 30 years, she realized her dieting attempts were futile.

"I can’t...

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Caring for Your Body Through a Non-Diet Lens body image healing body kindness body peace diet culture food freedom gentle nutrition health at every size intuitive eating non-diet approach self-compassion weight neutrality Aug 25, 2024

Last week, I posed a question to a client that left her momentarily speechless:

If weight loss wasn’t your north star, how might you take care of your...

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Are You in a Toxic Relationship, with Yourself? body image body positivity body wisdom diet culture healing journey non diet nutrition non-diet approach self-acceptance self-love Jun 28, 2024

No doubt you invest in the relationships in your life that matter the most to you, but how often do you consider your relationship with yourself?


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Is Weight Loss the Hero You Never Needed #foodfreedom body image body noise body peace diet culture diet culture dropout food freedom health at every size healthy eating intuitive eating nourishment self love set point weight weightlossjourney Jun 15, 2024

I was thinking about how many hours I must have spent in my life at war with my body.

I don’t even think I could figure it out but holey moley...

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Can Being in Nature Heal our Body Image? body image body noise body positive diet culture healing body image healing in nature health benefits of nature nature & health self esteem wellness wellness & nature May 31, 2024

I’m currently in remote Western Australia, 6457km from home.

We’re doing a mini lap in our new caravan, our old 4WD, a newly 40yr old hot...

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