The Love Handle


AĀ blog exploring howĀ weĀ heal our relationship with food & body.
Caring for Your Body Through a Non-Diet Lens body image healing body kindness body peace diet culture food freedom gentle nutrition health at every size intuitive eating non-diet approach self-compassion weight neutrality Aug 25, 2024

Last week, I posed a question to a client that left her momentarily speechless:

If weight loss wasn’t your north star, how might you take care of your...

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When Body Shame Steals the Spotlight body image and motherhood body image healing body image role model body kindness body positive parenting breaking free from diet culture healing relationship with food overcoming body shame postpartum body image Aug 17, 2024

It wasn't until I felt ashamed of my first family photo that I knew something wasn’t quite right with my body image.

I had just given birth to Miss...

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